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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

The best part about this product is that you could put any sort of delicates in here and be able to wash them without damaging them. That's dope.

George Resmondo
This bag ends up to fit everything you need on the go including

A way to give other people the opportunity to get the same bag by writing down the lacorda's website, social media, etc. Gotta pass these uplifting spirited vibes along cause I know when you get this bag, your spirits will be lifted. - G

George Resmondo
This bag ends up to fit everything you need on the go including

A way to give other people the opportunity to get the same bag by writing down the lacorda's website, social media, etc. Gotta pass these uplifting spirited vibes along cause I know when you get this bag, your spirits will be lifted. - G

Pat Sterling
You should probably get one of these with your order...

I got one of these to wash my belts in, definitely a good choice. It just makes it easier so they don't get all tangled up. its a good place to store them too.

Pat Sterling
You should probably get one of these with your order...

I got one of these to wash my belts in, definitely a good choice. It just makes it easier so they don't get all tangled up. its a good place to store them too.

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